How can I analyze my Instagram account for free?

For a comprehensive analysis of your Instagram account at no cost, you can combine Instagram’s built-in analytics features with third-party tools. Here are some approaches.

Instagram Insights

Access basic analytics within the app for business accounts. Tap the three horizontal lines on your profile page, select “Insights,” and explore different sections to review metrics like impressions, reach, follower demographics, and content performance.

Monitoring engagement

Instagram feed engagement. Monitor likes, comments, and shares to understand what content resonates with your audience. Experiment with post formats, captions, and visuals to optimize engagement.

Follower growth

Keep tabs on your popularity over time. Analyze patterns and identify actions that contribute to significant growth.

Hashtag performance

Evaluate hashtag effectiveness by analyzing impressions and reach. Experiment with different hashtags to gauge their impact on reach and engagement. Impressions and reach are important metrics to measure the success of a hashtag. By testing different hashtags, you can get an idea of which ones are more effective at driving engagement and reach. This can help you to refine your hashtag strategy and get the best results from your campaigns.

Explore Instagram Insights on Desktop

Use Instagram Creator Studio on your desktop for a more extensive interface and additional features. It allows you to access the same analytics and insights you would see on the mobile app, but with more detail and options to customize. Plus, it provides you with a more comprehensive view of your performance, so you can better understand how to adjust your content to reach your desired audience.

Third-party analytics tools

Consider free subscription-based tools like CoCo for more comprehensive analytics, competitor analysis, and performance tracking. These tools provide more detailed insights and analytics than what can be found on social media platforms alone. They can help you track your performance over time, compare yourself to competitors, and identify areas where you can improve.

Instagram analytics for my account 

If you use Instagram, you may be interested in understanding your account’s performance. How many people are viewing your posts, liking your content, and following you? How can you track your growth and engagement? How can you optimize your approach to reach a larger audience or fan base?

To do this, navigate to Settings > Account > Switch to a Professional Account and follow the steps.

Once you have a professional account, you can tap on the menu icon in the top right corner of your profile and select Insights. This will take you to a dashboard to see an overview of my account activity, content interactions, and audience demographics.

Here is a screenshot of what it looks like.

In this case, you can only access insights related to you and don’t have access to other pages, influencers, etc. What is the point of planning your marketing strategy without access to competitors, influencers, etc?

Instagram analytics for other accounts 

If you are a social media marketer, influencer, or business owner, you might be interested in Instagram analytics for other accounts. Instagram analytics show how your account performs on the platform. This includes how many followers you have, how much engagement you get, and what kind of content resonates with your audience. But what if you want to compare your performance with your competitors, or learn from other successful accounts’ best practices? That’s where Instagram analytics for other accounts come in handy.

Instagram analytics for other accounts are tools that allow you to access and analyze data from any public Instagram account. You can use these tools to benchmark your own account against others. You can also discover upcoming trends and opportunities, and get insights into what works and what doesn’t on Instagram. Some of the benefits of using Instagram analytics for other accounts are:

  • You can identify your top competitors and see how they grow their audience. You can also see what kind of content they post, and how they engage with their followers.
  • You can find out who are the most influential accounts in your niche. You can learn from their strategies, such as what hashtags they use when posting, and how they collaborate with other brands or influencers.
  • You can monitor your campaigns or partnerships with other accounts. You can also measure the impact of your actions on your reach, impressions, and conversions.
  • You can discover creative content ideas and formats that are popular and relevant to your target audience. You can adapt them to your own style and goals.

Monitoring Instagram accounts with tools

There are many tools that offer Instagram analytics for other accounts, but not all are created equal. Some of the features of an effective Instagram analytics tool are:

  •  Ability to analyze multiple accounts at once and compare them side-by-side.
  • A way to access historical data and track changes over time.
  • The option to export data and reports in various formats, such as PDF, CSV, or Excel.
  • The ability to customize your dashboard and metrics according to your needs and preferences.

One of the most impressive tools that meet all these criteria is CoCo. CoCo is a powerful and easy-to-use Instagram analytics tool that lets you access data from any public Instagram account. With you can:

Analyze unlimited accounts at once, and compare them by various metrics, such as followers, engagement rate, reach, likes, comments, and more.

  • View historical data for up to 12 months and see how accounts have evolved over time.
  • Export data and reports in PDF or CSV format and share them with your team or clients.
  • Customize your dashboard and metrics with filters, segments, charts, tables, and graphs.
  • Find an influencer in your niche to partner with, or discover upcoming opportunities to target.

The CoCo concept

CoCo is the ultimate Instagram analytics tool for anyone who wants to grow their account, improve their content strategy, and boost their Instagram results. Whether you are a marketer, influencer, or business owner, CoCo can help you gain valuable insights into your Instagram account and any other Instagram account. You can start using CoCo for free today by signing up at


If you’re already using Instagram to promote your brand or business, you’ll know the importance of an Instagram strategy. You’ll probably have a clear idea of the type of content you should be posting, you might have a posting schedule, and you probably keep track of the engagement you’re getting on your posts – but it’s time to dig a bit deeper!

Regularly monitor your account, track progress, and refine strategies based on gathered insights. Experiment with content types, posting schedules, and engagement techniques to optimize performance.

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Qazal Asadi

I'm the lead writer for marketing blogs. My motto is "Write to delight, not to bore." As a reader, I hope to leave you with something to ponder after you've finished reading. After work, I enjoy writing songs. Music has always been an outlet for me to express myself and explore my creativity. I also love traveling and experiencing new cultures. I believe that it is imperative to gain a global perspective to understand different perspectives and how they shape our lives.

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